Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Breeding Program Modernization: Empowering NARES to transform breeding in East and South Africa

In East and Southern Africa, rice consumption and demand are increasing at a faster rate than any other crop. Farmers in this region continue to use old varieties that are vulnerable to climate change. The breeders use a conventional pedigree-based varietal development process, which is slow, laborious and generally takes more than a decade to release a new variety.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

IRRI and Government of Odisha facilitate adoption of direct-seeded rice technology through stakeholder convergence along with gender and youth inclusion

The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) has been intensively working to improve crop production and farmers’ net income in rice-based diversified cropping systems through innovative technologies that are resource-efficient, cost-effective, and resilient to climatic vulnerabilities. 

Monday, October 17, 2022

Get to know an IRRI Scientist: Van Schepler Luu, Lead of Plant Pathology and Host Plant Resistance Group

The daughter of a smallholder farming family in Vietnam, her father dissuaded her from pursuing a career in agriculture, as he thought it was not a path to prosperity. But rather than be discouraged, she took it as a challenge to do her part to change the lives of rice farmers, like her father, for the better. In this in-depth interview with Van, we asked this passionate scientist what drew her to her field of phytopathology, and why she made the life-changing decision to move her family halfway around the world from Germany to the Philippines to become a part of IRRI.

Friday, October 14, 2022

IRRI visiting scholar wins 1st place at the Pennsylvania State University Biology Student Research Showcase 2022

With funding from the United States Department of Agriculture and support from International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), this researcher is making strides in his Ph.D. journey. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

IRRI and Assam Agricultural University release rice production digital tools for rice farmers, researchers, extension agents, and policymakers

The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), in collaboration with its implementing partner Assam Agricultural University, released digital tools and print materials to help increase rice productivity in Assam.